Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Health Comittee Meeting at the Department of Health

Today I attended a meeting at the Health Department. I was late but I can assure you, not late enough!

The meeting was to discuss the one room exemption for birth suites. Some licensed midwives, two certified nurse midwives and some direct entry midwives have opened natalocs based on the exemption.

The "State" (health committee) is worried about the reason that women would choose this option for giving birth and are concerned about the "blood on their hands" because women may believe these centers are state regulated. One of the committee members said, "Maybe it is as easy as, we simply make you have a sign stating the centers are not state regulated". Many public members said, "Yes, Yes, Let's do that!"

The woman presenting the information to the committee on the behalf of the State was very anti-midwifery, home birth and VBAC, especially in an unregulated setting. While producing her own presentation she left out a lot of information showing statistical information on the safety and the precedence of care in out of hospital settings. She also incorrectly implied that LDEM's where only licensed to practice in the home, when it clearly states that they are out of hospital providers in the LDEM laws.

She also presented information on Suzanne Smith's website and pointed out that her website was very professionally created and that professionalism translates into competency and therefor is problematic. (Because being competent is a problem...for who? The State or the hospital's competing for a buck? Because it's not a problem for mothers, right?!)

All in all, it was blood pressure rising and grossly misrepresentation of qualified woman caring for their clients in the setting most comfortable for the woman. The biggest problem we face is the lack of understanding that midwives are "with women" where they need to be on their terms and in the environment they deem most comfortable to them. We support women in any position they want, we check them when they ask, or not at all if they never ask. We hold the role of support and guardian and we help sustain the measure of safety as best we can. We also understand and as do our clients that birth is as safe as life gets. There are no guarantees, We are careful cautious and we listen to our mothers. Our mothers are the ones with the most information about themselves and their babies and that is why we offer the best care available.

Medical care is so clinical and so disconnected from the woman and that is a difference that no hospital no matter how cute the paint can compete with and it isn't a model of care that fits with the medical machine.

Sadly, it looks like once again, we are headed to the state legislature. To protect the practice and lively hoods of midwives and to stop trade infringement. We need to make sure these centers can remain open and protect the midwives so they may offer their clients options for their birthing needs.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Does a Brown Victory = a Matheson Retirement???

Look what I found on UtahPolicy today...

Rothenberg: Brown Victory = Matheson Retirement?
Stuart Rothenberg notes in Roll Call (subscription required) that Scott Brown's "unthinkable" Senate victory in Massachusetts "could have significant ramifications. First, it could well produce a flurry of Democratic retirements. If Democrats couldn't hold Kennedy's seat rather easily with the state attorney general, some Democratic Members will worry, how the heck can they win in November in competitive districts. GOP strategists are already compiling a list of possible retirees if Brown wins, including Reps. John Spratt (S.C.), Allen Boyd (Fla.) and Jim Matheson (Utah) and Sen. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.)."

Well, "Of Course", I would say! That is certainly our sentiment and I think Morgan Philpot is that man for the job. Tired of putting the same men in office, then start choosing differently. Morgan Philpot, the man to start returning our freedoms!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Obama Survey

I am a bit hot under the collar. I just received a 2010 Obama survey from the RNC. I have had it with the RNC. I offered a donation before we were down to McCain, and then I didn't send it in. I thought McCain was a freakin' joke. He is not any less liberal than Hillary. In fact, Obama makes Hillary look like a kitten. (I digress)

The RNC not only wants to send a message to the Democrats that the R's are still strong. So of course they want your survey to accompany your donation of $500, $250, and on down to $30.00

I filled out and sent the survey back, with a big fat $0 in contribution and a note...

The RNC left the party. Give me Liberty or Give me death, I want my REPUBLIC BACK!

I hope they get the message.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Resistance is futile...You will be assimulated...

VeriChip is a company that sells a RFID chip (and readers) for businesses and healthcare, in fact it is already being used in some parts of the country. Microsoft has joined to partner with their "Healthvault". However, they also have their own HealthInfo website.

I also happened to stumble upon some information regarding another company that Verimed is partners with, Receptors, LLC read it's white paper on it's new little glucose sensor. There is some speculation on conservative conspiracy websites that this glucose sensor smaller than a spec of dust has been incorporated into the H1N1 vaccine. While I don't see the value in that widespread, I can see why some people think it is plausible. It is probably more plausible than the sterilization theories that abound, and still I don't completely discount those at this point either.

VeriMed has had the benefit of stimulus funds. I think the government plans to use the chip as part of the healthcare bill and I think that the governments plan on a "linked network of your health records" is going to mandate compliance and chipping in people in order to best and efficiently care for your health care records. Sure some people will comply, think nothing of it and say that it makes sense. If someone is unconscious, or unable to speak, their records would be easily accessible after quickly scanning them for their records. I even think it sounds good, reasonable and sensible.

Humor me...(side note) Did you know? The United States used to keep 10,000 silos across the United States full of food and stores, things like Oats, Wheat, Corn and such. Those silos are completely empty. There is no food supply. If we have freezing across our plains, a pestilence, a bacterial issue, a natural disaster and our food crops are affected, we could quickly be in a situation of hunger, huge inflationary food costs and starvation right here on our land.

I am just wondering....How easy would it be for our government to stop or limit the amount of food we could purchase or consume for our families? Would they go as far as limiting purchasing only to those who are compliant and chipped? How far away are these movie like scenarios? Are we paying attention to the signs? Are our lanterns full?

Maybe this is just all crazy talk. Much ado about nothing. Then again maybe not...if you really want an idea how infiltrated we already are with RFID technology just go here, I will link you up to the Pharma page but you can take it anywhere you want to go.

Go here to see how Government Stimulus Funds Inspires VeriMed Relaunch

Here to see Stocks jump after H1N1 patent license win

Here to find out if you have a passport after 2006 you already have been numbered.

Here is a brief list of participating companies:

Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Visa U.S.A. and Proctor & Gamble

I do feel like our government has become much like the Borg and the tiring mantra is...Resistance is Futile, you will be assimilated.